VBA Excel
Assessment Test

English, French
Advanced, Intermediate
Average duration
Adaptatif : 25 minutes
Autres : 15 minutes

About this test

These tests are relevant for the following occupations, but are not limited to :

  • Statistician
  • Project Manager
  • Developer
  • Data Analyst
  • Financial Database Manager
  • and other occupations that require sufficient skills to perform repetitive and automated tasks and to optimize data processing time with the VBA tool.


Whether you're a professional or an individual, using Microsoft VBA can improve your productivity and performance in business or in your everyday life. Mastering VBA is a strategic advantage in handling and optimizing Microsoft applications. It offers almost infinite possibilities for making working with Office more productive and efficient. Whether you're recruiting or training, our Microsoft VBA assessment test is here to help you quickly identify your candidates' skills. Our combination of interactive questions and practical exercises sets our VBA test apart, immersing candidates in a professional environment. Candidates with strong VBA skills don't just write code; they develop procedures that enable them to control various software features and user interfaces, adapting them to the specific needs of their customers.

Our VBA Excel test covers the following skills :

  • Objects
  • Procedures
  • Dialog Boxes, Forms, and ActiveX Controls
  • Environment and Debugging Tools

Comprehensive results

Comprehensive and easy-to-interpret competency reports are generated at the end of each test.

For recruitment, these reports help you:
  • Comparing each candidate to the required skills
  • Comparing and ranking a cohort of candidates objectively
  • Swiftly selecting the most suitable profiles
For training, these reports help you:
  • Tailoring training programs to individual needs
  • Monitoring progress made by learners
  • Measuring the effectiveness of training initiatives

Generate Test Reports Incorporating Artificial Intelligence

What are the differences between a traditional report and a report generated with AI?

  • A more detailed description of the competency domains.
  • A more comprehensive progress report.
  • Personalization of the overall summary.
  • Precise recommendations based on the training pathway.

Meet Our Experts

Our experts are specialists recognized for their skills in their field. They can be:
• Authors of reference material on their field
• Professionals or business coaches
• Independent trainers
• University professors