Isograd Testing Services

Test hosting

Host your tests in a secure and high-performance environment. Whether for official exams, administrative competitions, or recruitment tests, our platform allows you to customize every aspect of the assessment. Provide a seamless experience for your candidates while maintaining full control over every parameter of the process.

How It Works


Step One:
Create and Customize Your Test

Photo of hands typing on a keyboard, illustrating the integration of test content and the creation of questions
  • Design Your Questions: Choose from over 15 question types (MCQs, click-on-area, drag-and-drop, etc.), with automatic or manual grading.
  • Easily Import Your Questions: Add your multiple-choice or short-answer questions directly from an Excel file.
  • Customize Your Test: Select the question sequencing algorithm (ordered, random, etc.) and personalize the start and end messages to align with your brand.

Step Two (Optional):
I choose an anti-cheating solution

Photo of a camera mounted on a computer screen, illustrating our surveillance solutions to prevent cheating during online assessments

We Offer Four Distinct Solutions:

  • Asynchronous remote proctoring: Identity verification, browser lockdown, and audio/video recording with automatic post-test review.
  • Photo monitoring: Random snapshots analyzed by AI to detect any suspicious behavior, highlighting anomalies.
  • Browser full-screen mode: Ensure test security by limiting access to external resources.
  • Validation test: Confirm the candidate's identity with an additional test conducted in person.

Final Step:
Customize the Candidate Experience

Screenshot of the Isograd platform's admin interface, displaying a list of selected questions and options for managing tests and results

Take advantage of our flexible platform, equipped with all the features needed to manage a large number of candidates and results:

  • Personalized Invitations: Send tailored invitations with automated follow-up options.
  • Performance Insights: Access key performance indicators, with or without AI assistance.
  • Seamless Integration: Connect with most LMS and ATS systems via LTI or API.

Discover how this solution can transform your current processes!